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Pharmaceutical HVAC Systems

This 3-day training course provides attendees with an in-depth understanding of the key aspects of Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC) System design (designed in tandem with the facility), construction, operation and maintenance. It covers facility HVAC systems for a range of drug product types and APIs, including non-sterile drug products, for example oral solid dose/oral liquids, inhalation non-sterile products, terminally sterilised and aseptically manufactured products. Key considerations such as dust removal for safety and product quality protection are also covered by this course. One key focus of the course is how HVAC systems control critical room air attributes such as particle levels, temperature and relative humidity. Filtration, differential pressure cascades/control, room air change rates and the types of air mixing (turbulent versus unidirectional) are discussed in detail. To ensure this course is properly rounded, areas such as a risk based approach to the qualification of HVAC system equipment and the validation / qualification of environmental conditions, for sterile and non-sterile facilities, are carefully integrated into the course.

The course also recognises the current drive towards energy savings / carbon emission reduction and includes useful information on how the energy usage of Pharmaceutical HVAC Systems can be correctly assessed and subsequently reduced by changing the operating philosophy (based on risk assessments) and making suitable modifications. This will be reinforced with the use of real-life examples.

Attendees will receive PDF file versions of all the presentations by email. Presentations for each day will be sent out the day before the start of the respective day of the course.

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October 2025
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

Tuesday, 14th October 2025 to Thursday, 16th October 2025 (3 days)

We use GoToWebinar® 'standard webinars' for our online courses.
Please check your system compatibility before booking

08:00 - 16:00 (London/Dublin)

09:00 - 17:00 (Amsterdam/Berlin)

£1,750 per delegate

NOTE: Course fees will be subject to a 20% UK VAT charge if your billing/invoice address is in the UK and/or delegates are UK based